Contraception, Sexual Health and Tests services in Brighton and Hove

Contraception Services

Use this service to find a pharmacy that offers the contraceptive pill without a prescription. You do not need to see a doctor or nurse for a prescription.

Getting the contraceptive pill is free, with or without a prescription.

You can Self Refer, book an appointment with a GP, or book an appointment with SHAC

An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy.

It’s also sometimes known as a termination of pregnancy.

The pregnancy is ended either by taking medicines or having a surgical procedure.

Terence Higgins Trust

Click here for Brighton and Hove THT for HIV and Sexual Health services

Practice Plus Brighton Station Sexual Health Clinic 

Telephone: 0333 321 0946

A discreet and confidential sexual health clinic every day between the hours of 8am-7pm, with bookable and walk-in appointments.

Please note that the Walk-in Centre may be closed to any new patients presenting if there are already sufficient patients waiting to be seen. Patients being turned away will be advised of alternatives.

Aspect House
84-87 Queens Road
East Sussex

SHAC clinics

Telephone:  01273 523 388 

Free, confidential & open to everyone.

Clinics where you can get discreet and confidential services for sexual health / testing / contraception / pregnancy

Walk-in clinics and Online booking are available.  

Sexual Health and contraception at Charter Medical Centre

We can offer appointments for the emergency pill after unprotected sex, and to start a new Pill fairly quickly.  You can book with a GP online or via our 24 hour Automated booking system.   

We are part of the C-Card scheme  – you can ask reception for free condoms.

For all other nurse appointments there is a long wait. There is a waiting list for our Long acting reversible contraception Clinics (for IUD and Implants)

Emergency contraception after unprotected sex

NHS information on Emergency Contraception

At Charter Medical Centre – book an appointment with a GP